Art should be judged subjectively, right? Art means different things to each and every person. Does it speak to me or you? Or does it match my furniture? I have rediscovered, after over a week in Miami for art week, that there is no accounting for taste…even my own. Art in the commercial world, […]
Rick Gregg Steel Sculpture Turns Up At Portland Estate Auction
A Portland woman attending an estate auction came home with much more than she bargained for recently when she bought a small and very distinctive steel sculpture. Past PNWS President Carole Murphy was contacted by the woman who purchased a 12-inch steel sculpture that turned out to be the work of the late PNWS member […]
Portland Sculptor Julian Voss-Andreae at Georgia Tech
A larger-than-life bronze sculpture of a female form by Portland sculptor and PNWS board member Julian Voss-Andreae was installed recently on the campus of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. The sculpture is notable not only for its artistic merit but also because, according to Voss-Andreae, it was “fully 3-D printed” over about 10,000 […]
Myles de Bastion Sculpts with Light – Interactive Art Installations
About 25 PNWS members and guests gathered at the southeast Portland studio of PNWS member and board director Shelly Durica-Laiche on June 15 for an evening of connection and exploration of another artist’s interactive art installations. In a departure from the usual format of these events, Durica-Laiche chose not to share her work, but, instead, […]
Dave Gonzo Draws Sculptors Curious About Torch Welding Sculpture
PNWS members gathered at the studio of Dave Gonzo for a hands-on experience with torch welding sculpture. The Saturday event was the monthly meeting of PNWS members and guests hosted each month at a different member’s studio. The hosting member usually discusses his or her work and demonstrates how they work. After an opening social […]
Effective Publicity For Sculpture Classes
Paul Haist The Clackamas Review newspaper published an article in January about PNWS past president Carole Murphy. It was a very favorable article that focused primarily on Murphy’s then-upcoming sculpture classes. It included an attractive photo of the artist, her work, and some of her raw material. After spelling out the details of her class, […]
Art Commissions keep Eichinger Studio Busy
Joya Martuscello Exciting progress is being made on one of Martin Eichinger’s larger art commissions in progress. Natural beauty is met with great artistry as we embark on the next phase of this large-scale vision for the Cloisters on the Platte, a spiritual retreat in Nebraska. Martin and the Eichinger Sculpture Studio team are currently […]
3D Modeling Technology Propels Sculpture Forward
Paul Haist Pacific Northwest Sculptors President George Heath welcomed members and guests to the group’s monthly open meeting on the evening of Jan. 19 at Form 3D Foundry in Portland to demonstrate the advancements of 3d modeling technology. This time, the meeting featured an up-close look at innovative 3-D printing technology and how sculptors are […]