Andy Kennedy The official number for PNWS Volunteer hours in the year 2021 is 1511. This includes volunteered time by PNWS Board members and their directed projects, like Calls to Artists. The number is considerably greater than the two previous years which were both at around 1000 hours. The pandemic is a big reason for […]
Who’s doing what…
There is a lot of activity among our members. Here is a sampling of recently completed work and work in progress. From Robert McWilliams: Crane Dance – This sandhill crane is made from a 60-year-old cedar fence post, a part of which makes the base. The wings are painted aluminum and the legs are steel […]
Invitation to Mylan/Ford Exhibit at the Cave
My friend and fellow sculptor David Mylan and I will be exhibiting our recent work at Art at the Cave gallery in Vancouver during the month of March. We both work with figurative concepts through very different media. David creates larger than life welded metal pieces while my work is mostly ceramic. We decided some […]
Fundraiser for Claudia Carter
I am reaching out to PNWS members to participate in a fundraiser to support our good friend Claudia Carter in her time of need. Claudia’s leadership position in the black community in Vancouver is legendary. She works with our historical society to present events at the museum, organizes black history month at our library, as […]
Voices on Community Through Time and Space
The International Sculpture Center (ISC) is presenting, Voices on Community Through Time and Space, a series of monthly, virtual encounters with sculpture designed to inspire, inform, and bring communities together. The series runs from December 2021 through May of 2022 Registration is FREE but required for the series. To register visit this link:
Queen Nefertari’s Egypt at The Portland Art Museum
Oct 16, 2021 – Jan 16, 2022 Nefertari’s tomb had been raided. The “good” stuff was gone. The sarcophagus lid was smashed and the mummy gone. Remaining were small sculptures, a few stela, reed sandals and a pair of knees. These goods and other objects from the reign of Ramses II and later are now […]
PNWS at Art in the Pearl
Our members have become an annual attraction at Art in the Pearl. This year included a few new faces. Demonstrators included Tony Furtado, Russ Ford, Phil Seder, Jerry Woodbury, Dave Cole and organizer Andy Kennedy. Also participating as an exhibitor, Chas Martin. Thanks to everyone who demonstrated sculpting. I’m certain Art in the Pearl will […]