The Art in the Pearl was a success for the 15th year of demonstrating artists from the Pacific Northwest Sculptors!
Sculptors Near Me – How Collaboration makes us all better sculptors
Perhaps the most valuable feature of a group as diverse as ours is that we’re such a diverse group. Every meeting I’ve attended has resulted in some insight, recommendation, introduction, new product idea, new connection that I had not expected from someone I had not known before. Networks like ours are rich with opportunities like […]
The Belly – An interactive art installation of art in public places
Installation Art by Amber Metz at Art at the Cave Gallery during a Pacific Northwest Sculptors show for International Sculpture Day 2018
The Cave in Vancouver, Washington hosts show by Top Sculptors from Oregon and Washington
The International Sculpture Center, (the publishers of Sculpture Magazine), some 4 years ago suggested that there be an International Sculpture Day. Not surprisingly sculptors and sculpture organizations around the country thought this was a good idea. This is our third year of participation. It is a thing we look forward to all year. Much effort […]
To Tomorrow and Back – A public art installation in Shanghai
A public art installation in Shanghai I’ve done the trip into tomorrow 4 times now. And by the trip into tomorrow, I mean a flight across the International Date Line to Asia. This trip was for a public art installation – to install a show for artist Jim Campbell from San Francisco. In fact, all […]
Andy Kennedy Hosts Sculptors Group
About twenty Pacific Northwest Sculptors group members and guests gathered at the home of fellow sculptor Andy Kennedy and his partner Stephanie Buddenbaum on the evening of October 19th for the group’s monthly informal get-together. A different member artist hosts the gathering each month. The potluck affair began with time to get reacquainted before everyone […]
Newport Visual Arts Center Opening Draws Crowd
Friday, Sept. 8, was a big day in Newport for members of Pacific Northwest Sculptors. That afternoon, the Newport Visual Arts Center, overlooking the Pacific Ocean, welcomed the pubic to “Variety of Visions: Work from the Pacific Northwest Sculptors.” Sculptures in a wide range of media by 27 PNWS members were on display at the […]
Portland Celebrates International Sculpture Day 2017
Pacific Northwest Sculptors’ second annual celebration of International Sculpture Day on April 21 and 22 in Portland was an unqualified success, judging from comments after the event by its organizers, participants and guests. Hosted at three neighboring venues in Southeast Portland’s Sellwood District and billed as “ International Sculpture Day PDX 2017, 3D Alchemy: Fusing […]