Our meeting on October 27 was a major milestone for PNWS. It was our first face-to-face meeting in over a year and a half. Over 20 attended in person, another dozen via Zoom. We had our usual tech glitches, but we got it done. Our presentation by Rip Caswell at Firebird Bronze was outstanding. Also […]
January 2022 Board Meeting
January 28th, 2021
10:00-11:00 am
All members are encouraged to attend board meetings. Your input and ideas are how we move forward….
Making Aliens
So, you feel a need to make creatures. Hopefully the following will assist you in pursuing this ambition. Then again you may come to your senses and pursue a career in accounting or as a cowpoke. Whatever your decision be prepared to accept the consequences. Here we will focus only on making a “thing” using […]
Upcoming Member Meeting Opportunities
Our monthly meetings are an opportunity to share, learn, connect and build alliances. We have a broad range of members. Each has something to offer. If you are interested in hosting a virtual presentation, here are a few possibilities to consider: Studio tour and discussion of current work; Technique demonstration; or Discussion of inspiration and […]
Bringing Sculpture to Future Frontiers in New Collaborative Project
Scott Price – What if your sculpture could be seen anywhere, at any time? What if your sculpture could be experienced from all angles in 3 dimensions as if it was right in front of an appreciative patron or art lover, even though your original physical sculpture was still in your studio a thousand miles […]
Virtual Reception for “Emergence” Exhibit
Pacific Northwest Sculptors hosted a virtual for the “Emergence” online sculpture exhibit. View the recorded event. The reception celebrated the first online sculpture exhibit presented by the group. Entrants from 32 states submitted over 500 works. Author, critic and curator, Richard Speer was the juror for the exhibit. He shared his observations and discussed his […]
Curator’s Statement: Emergence 2021
View the complete exhibit. Richard Speer This exhibition’s theme, “Emergence,” conjures the conundrum of expectation. We had by this late date hoped to have emerged from the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic, yet the world still convulses in the wake of ever-mutating variants. In the realm of aesthetics, we often celebrate the promise of emerging […]