There is a lot of activity among our members. Here is a sampling of recently completed work and work in progress.

From Robert McWilliams: Crane Dance – This sandhill crane is made from a 60-year-old cedar fence post, a part of which makes the base. The wings are painted aluminum and the legs are steel concrete reinforcing rods. The crane was inspired by a painting by Miami tribe member, Julie Olds, depicting the cecaahkwas (sandhill crane) representing Myaamiaki (Miami People) dancing in the light of the setting sun.

From Carolyn Nelson: These will be part of my upcoming exhibit at Heritage University, Virginia Hislop Gallery, April 3 – 29th, “Conversations with the Wind” paintings and drawings.

From Tony Furtado: This is part of my ceramic orca whale series I’m working on. Sort of a whale separating.

From Craig Dorety: I am using TouchDesigner (a visual programming environment) to sample colors from a digital image in a very specific way. I then use the result to control LEDs in my sculptures.”

From Robert Gigliotti: Just finished Germination, fabricated steel and stainless. Germination, a process essential to life. The outer ring represents the earth. The stainless sphere represents a seed, the upper blades are sprouts and the curved shapes at the bottom the roots.

From Elizabeth Truchon: “Working with organic materials inspires not only my process, but my daily existence.” The sculptures were exhibited in September at an exhibit in Sonoma (Petaluma) sponsored by Petaluma Design Co. at The Watershed. Life Form is organic mixed media, 48x10x18”, Essence is 48x10x10”

From Maria Wickwire: I have two upcoming events. 1) The Birds Invitational show at Smith & Vallee Gallery opens tomorrow. My piece is Samara (Night Talk). It’s the one with an owl on her head.
2) Solo show at Smith & Vallee opens April 2nd. The piece with antlers is Eilidh.

From Russ Ford: I’m finishing up a number of works that will be part of the March exhibit with David Mylan at the Cave. My first foray into an exhibition outside a group show. We have collaborated on a number of pieces-combining metalwork with ceramic.
From Nancy Bocek: This is what I’m working on. Not easy to see at this point. It’s the beginning of a series tentatively titled Freefall. Slab built in black clay. I will use orange color to pull out the figure. I’m expanding on a piece called Freefall in my Covid diary series. In the diary series I begin by opening the clay like a book- or a diary… (i just made that connection!)

Alisa Looney is the featured Artist at Red Chair Gallery
for the month of February.
First Friday Opening
Feb 4th, 5:30 – 8pm
Red Chair Gallery
103 NW Oregon Avenue Bend, Oregon 97703
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