On March 29th at 7PM we will meeting with Patrick Gracewood at his studio located at 4920 NE 55th Ave – Google Maps. Patrick describes himself: “As an artist, I carve space, materials, and time. For over twenty years, I designed and created architectural ornament for new buildings and restored historic terra-cotta facades. This professional […]
PNWS material and intangible
There’s a transformation that happens within us as we transform raw materials into something meaningful. Sculpting can open an experience of discovery and wonder
Coming to the Southeast Portland’s Goat Blocks in early summer
Hopscotch, an interactive art installation, is set to take up a 23,000-square-foot space in Southeast Portland’s Goat Blocks. San Antonio, Texas, is the current home to the art experience, and Portland will be its second location. Like the original location, the Portland Hopscotch will feature local, national and international artists, creating what co-founder Nicole Jensen calls […]
The Rewards of Transition
There’s nothing more boring or less productive than stasis. Movement, whether in the stock market or the art market is an opportunity to gain something. Transitions are times of movement. As PNWS transitions
Retrospective…Claudia Star Carter
A retrospective of Claudia’s sculpture can be seen through the month of February, (Black History Month)
Mask Making with Russ Ford
I will begin with the fact that the last time I worked with clay was in grade school so it was with both excitement and trepidation that I signed up for the workshop. The first day was at the Oregon Society of Artist classroom with Russ. There were over 14 people in the room ! […]
The “three pillars” of PNWS
The PNWS Board maintains a framework of ideas and happenings for the Members to flesh-out by networking and collaborating on projects, like groups sculpture shows. Our shows, meetings and website are like three pillars of the framework provided on which to build the PNWS experience.