This month, our Making Space sculpture gallery show displayed the talent and commitment of both Pacific Northwest Sculptors and Northwest Stone Sculptors Association members. ArtReach Gallery is a huge space and we filled it with excellent examples of our work. We drew a steady stream of visitors. I heard many positive remarks about the quality […]
Sculpture Show
Sculpture Show Opens at Portland’s Multnomah Art Center
Nearly a year ago, at a member meeting in SE Portland, board president Chas Martin suggested we do a sculpture show based on collaborations between member pairs. Needless to say, the concept was met with much enthusiasm. First, each member could choose their own collaborator, or one would be chosen for them. Each participant would […]
Art Collaborations – Sculptors Pair Up for Unmatched Pairs Sculpture Show
Ten of our members responded to the call for art collaborations for our September show at the Multnomah Art Center. The concept is simple: each will display one piece plus one in collaboration with their partner. The theme, “Unmatched Pairs” seems entirely appropriate when you consider the styles and skills of those who paired up. […]