Oregon Society of Artists and PNWS host August sculpture show
Show dates: August 3 -August 31, 2023
Inline viewing: August 3, 2023 – October 5, 2023

The Oregon Society of Artists and PNWS are pleased to present a juried show dedicated entirely to contemporary Sculpture. The exhibit will feature a wide range of mediums, including but not limited to, wood, stone, ceramic, glass, metal, fiber, and electronics. Both free-standing and wall pieces are encouraged.
We want to see sculpture that best expresses the strength and spirit of your creative vision, style, and commitment to quality. Monetary awards will include $500 for best of show, $200 for first place, $150 for second place, $100 for third place, and certificates for five honorable mentions.
The exhibit will be juried by renowned Oregon bronze sculptor, Rip Caswell. Caswell’s sculptures include realistic wildlife, people, and many highly-acclaimed monumental public works. One of Caswell’s many creative achievements include being selected to study and document in sculpture, the world’s most endangered animals for National Geographic.
• This juried show is open to both OSA and PNWS members and non-members.
• All artworks must be able to fit through a 3’ by 6’ door opening.
• Hanging wall-sculptures not to exceed 25 lbs.
• If shipping your entry, return shipping costs for returns must be prepaid.
• Show entry fee is:
$4O for 2 pieces for OSA and PNWS members
$55 for 2 pieces for nonmembers
• Artworks and photographs should be of works made within the last two years and must not have been exhibited previously at OSA.
• Artworks juried into the show will require a brief descriptive paragraph to accompany the show label.
Submissions Open: June 2, 2023
Firm Deadline for entry, jpeg included: July 21, 2023
Art Drop-Off: July 28, 10 AM – 1 PM, July 31, 10 AM – 4 PM.
Gallery Show: August 3 – August 31, 2023
Online Show: August 4 – October 5, 2023
Reception: August 3, 6 PM – 8 PM, 2023
Art Pick-Up: August 31, 10 AM – 4 PM and Sept. 1, 10 AM – 4 PM, 2023