These past few months have been a busy time for the PNWS Board and Volunteers. We have made multiple updates to our systems to improve how we manage our group’s activities. Among the upgrades is our Newsletter. We are now publishing monthly again and will feature recent articles published by our members. Behind-the-scenes work of Dave Frei and Jonas Hartley made this possible. More streamlined improvements are in the works. Thanks to Rocky Jaeger for taking on the editor role. And thanks to George Heath for his years of service in that role. George remains a trusted advisor for many or our tasks. He’s taking more time to focus on his own work.
Our May meeting will be hosted by Russ Ford. Russ is an accomplished, now retired educator. His ceramic potential has taken a significant leap forward with installation of his new, huge kiln. Russ will give us a studio tour and discuss his work on Wednesday, May 26.
We have initiated a registration system for our monthly meetings so we can track who attends. Don’t be offended. This is part of our plan to increase new members.
On June 23, we will have our first live meeting in over a year. It will be at the studio of Devin Laurence Field. Devin, one of the founders of PNWS, is known for monumental steel sculptures that transform metal into experiences. His works appear across the globe. Devin will inspire and amaze with the scale and complexity of his work. His articulate communication skills are both verbal and sculptural. This is a presentation worthy of your participation.
Our July 28th meeting will feature Miguel Arias, founder of Prefixa. As an innovator in 3D imaging, virtual reality and augmented reality, Miguel will give us a look into the future. His work is making it easier for non-technical people to create and use 3D imaging to share and market our work. Imagine a 3D gallery where your sculptures can be viewed virtually in the round. Or, an AR (augmented reality) model that displays your sculpture in the viewer’s actual environment. This technology exists today. Be sure to attend our June presentation and invite other artists to join us.
3D imaging opens the door to many other options like selling digital versions of your work as (NFTs). Remember the Monopoly board game? This is similar. Here is a short summary to help you visualize what is possible and how we may be able to expand our collector audiences through emerging technologies.
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