The Home Builders Association, who manages the home and garden show, has again invited PNWS members to show and sell their art during this event. As this will be our second year at this show our goals are to see what changes from last year. We surprised many people last year by being at this event as many did not expect to see art and makers alike in the show. Like last year I expect a great deal of people will be surprised and many will be happy to see us again. I am happy to be attending as it gives me a chance to talk about being an artist, explaining my works and listening to the reactions of people who see it for the first time. On a very personal level I enjoy the face-to-face interaction with people who are looking for a safe place to meet artists and share ideas. While not on my list, initially, a fabulous reward was connecting with members and developing a deeper connection. It is my hope that those of you who enter will gain experience, connections and much more.
- For PNWS members the following applies
- $35 for up to three pieces
- Volunteer, for a job or 4 hours shift, and the fee becomes $15
- Yes, you can submit more than three as the cost is per three and you can volunteer for more than one four shift or an additional job
- $35 for up to three pieces
- Sculptures may be in any medium free standing or hanging
- Artists receive 80% of your sales and 20% goes to PNWS general fund and show expenses
- Volunteer for booth duty, setup or take down to receive 70% of your sales
- Payment, to artists, for all sales will be completed within 30 days
- Hanging wall-sculptures may not exceed 25 lbs., and must be hanging ready with hardware
- Artwork will be juried
- Submit up to 3 jpeg images for each artwork at 1.5MB to 5MB in size label images with: your last name_title.jpeg -example: SmithEntry1.jpeg.
- Keep images sharp and with limited background as for possible use in show media
Submissions Open: December 15, 2024
Firm deadline for entry, jpeg images included: January 25th, 2025, 5PM
- Setup booth date and time
- Tuesday, February 18th, 2024, Noon – 5PM
- Delivery date for artwork to show:
- Wednesday, February 19th, 2024, 8 AM -8 PM
Opening Evening Reception: TBD
Show Dates: Thursday, February 20nd through Saturday February 22nd
- Artwork Pick-Up:
- Sunday, February 23rd, 5 PM through 10 PM
- Monday, February 24th 8 AM through 5 PM
Send your images to: HomeandGardenShow@pnwsculptors.onmicrosoft.com
Send questions to Bob@ormcoupe@yahoo.com