For the second year now, PNWS has been a presence at Portland’s Home and Garden Show. This event held in February serves as a start of a new year of exhibits that are an arm of our organization’s purpose. Bob Deasy curated, organized and managed this “Big Box” affair with help from volunteer members who set up, broke down and worked the floor in 4 hour shifts over 4 days.
Clearly, the atmosphere at the Expo center for this show is not your typical fine arts venue, but PNWS was invited to participate free of booth fees with the expectation that having a gallery of sculpture amidst the hot tubs and garden furniture kiosks would add a touch of class. Mission accomplished. Last year, PNWS gallery was crowded into a small 10’x 20′ booth but this year we were offered a massive hallway which we filled with a display of nearly 50 sculptures from our members.
The hallway was a natural connector for folks to get from one end of the sprawling center space to the other and there was a pretty constant stream of traffic throughout the day. A pedestal-free gallery space was created midway that became a natural space for folks to find out about PNWS, chat and assist in making sales. Our mission as an educational entity was definitely accomplished.
Since we have already been invited back next year to fill the same space for the same price (free), I would encourage members to look at considering taking a volunteer spot to help with the set-up, break down and taking a shift as a PNWS ambassador on the floor. Your reward will be a deeper connection with fellow members, a renewed sense of participation in a fantastic organization, and a chance to engage with the public who desperately needs the arts to thrive.
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