This voyage of discovery is what we make of this collaborative sculpture called Pacific Northwest Sculptors. The Members of PNWS set the stakes, determining the scale and density of the medium and it’s meaning. We’re doing this as we do with our artworks, but instead of stone or wood, steel or clay, we are crafting an organization of personal relationships and their potential to inspire, through events and this conversation. It’s as though we’re finding our way in the dark or a white-out fog. Alone in a fog we find another person, then two or three, and establish tools for connection, so that we can go off to explore any variety of new worlds, then return to share what we’ve found.
Our Mission is clear, guiding PNWS like a ship towards meeting points like the recent Troutdale Festival of Arts or the upcoming Bullseye Glass tour. These events have an expansive nature: the more one looks, the more one sees. That fog around the ship clears, with engagement in our group. Navigate your way through the tools and toys provided. Fill out your website profile, volunteer to demonstrate at Vancouver (Aug 2 – 4) or Art in the Pearl (Aug 31 – Sept 2), post a picture of your latest sculpture on our social Media pages, etc. Meaningful connections start showing up to witness this process. There’s not guaranteed outcome when one invests in community, possibilities will open.
+++Andy Kennedy President, Pacific Northwest Sculptors

featured image by Daniel Popper at the Morton Arboretum, Illinois
Looking forward:
Bulls Eye Glass tour July 18th, 3pm ( RSVP required )
Contact Andy Kennedy <>
Vancouver Art and Music Festival (Aug 3&4)
Member potluck with Ice carving demonstration (Aug 17th)
and Art in the Pearl (Aug 31-Sept2)
and Art in the Pearl (Aug 31-Sept2)
I appreciate your insight into who we are.. through all the fog, a shared vision is possible. Thank you.