Raku Mask Making on May 25th at 12:30 at Russ Ford’s studio!
Please join us for another Raku Mask making event with Russ. The masks will be bisque fired and ready to Raku at the Troutdale Arts Festival in June. On May 25th, PNWS members will create masks at the May member studio tour & potluck at Russ Ford’s studio in Vancouver
Archives for 2024
Troutdale Art Festival
Join us on
June 8th and 9th
Volunteer and Raku the masks we made on May 25th!
Artistic journal is now free
Getty is pleased to announce that the spring 2024 issue of the Getty Research Journal, an open-access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal on the visual arts, is now available. Published by the Getty Research Institute (GRI) since 2009, the Getty Research Journal has presented articles covering the visual arts of all cultures, regions, and time periods. Topics featured in the journal relate […]
June 9th member potluck
June PNWS Members studio/potluck, featuring artwork by PNWS Member Rip Caswell will also be the Troutdale Art Festival after party. June 9th, 5:30 Pm at the Troutdale Arts Center.
Sign-up for Troutdale Art Festival
PNWS members who want to volunteer to assist with the first of three Raku firing opportunities this summer can access the sign-up spreadsheet here: This sheet is for the Troutdale Art festival only. We are attempting to develop a user-friendly system for members to schedule volunteer hours through Google Docs. Contact us if you have […]
Regional Arts & Culture Council – Meet Public Arts Experts
Have you wondered how and where to apply for public art calls? What are the different steps of proposing and executing a public art project (from sketches, to insurance, permitting and more)? How to work with a team to create a mural? How to get a private commission and who your collaborators might be? Have […]
2024 Maryhill Park Meetup
The first inaugural campout picnic was a fabulous success. Kudos to Terri for the masterful organization and setting up everthing. Kudos are also in order for the meal team captains and so many others who helped each and every day. Here is a link to a video compilation of many of the phots. https://youtu.be/e8ex3YogNME