The intended audience for this article are the current PNWS Members, hoping for feedback towards building consensus. In this past year the PNWS Board has attempted to further integrate and connect with Member of PNWS, especially new Members. Leading this effort, PNWS Member Terri Elioff has been doing a great job informing the Board about trends and specific interests that new Members have. The PNWS Board has reached out to Members, looking to get everyone represented on our website We’ve had noticeable success with that.
*Requiring PNWS Members to fill out a website profile is a new approach. Learning to navigate our website, creating posts which can turn into newsletter stories, getting on the website gallery page, all these give you more exposure and work toward connecting Members to Members.
*Similar to the website involvement, requiring PNWS Members to become Members of Pacific NW Sculptors group on Facebook. While it’s understood social media can be dysfunctional, it’s also the easiest way to post current information or inquiries accessible to most of our Members. This Members FB page is meant to be our “in house” bulletin board. Distinct from our public social media presences, on Facebook, Instagram and You tube.
*Introduce yourself to a Board Member, either in person at a meeting or online through Zoom or direct email. The goal of this is to get closer to the reality of PNWS. it’s what we make of it. it’s not a product purchased. It’s a collaboration, you must directly engage with, to fully benefit from Membership. Ideally, Members work toward serving a role in the group
*Submit art to one of our shows. This is meant to enhance your exposure, boost camaraderie, and will lead to learning something about art and submissions to Calls for art, along with photography, display technology, curation and pricing. These all have a learning curve, on which we can help each other. Let’s see your art and figure out together, the most satisfying ways to share art with the public. Let me know your reactions to the above draft policy changes. Would rather hear from a lot of people over a long time. Art credit: The two sculptures featured with this article are by Olinka Broadfoot.
Looking forward to hearing from you
+++Andy Kennedy, President PNWS
As a new member and a new sculptor, this hits close to home so I want to share my feelings when reading it.
I’m confident the intent is to integrate the new member and introduce the member to the larger group but for me it doesn’t provide a personal connection into the group. The missing element for me is creating a direct connection to a person who will take the new member under their wing. I have been very impressed with how friendly and open the members of PNWS are but at the same time the group is a little intimidating because of the level of artists in the group. A new member buddy could break through this intimidation and make the group accessible on a personal level.
The one requirement that may be difficult for a new member is the requirement to enter work in an event. Aspiring sculptors are going to want to get to know and trust the group before entering an event.
Thank you for your clarity and honesty.
The Buddy-system is a good idea and I appreciate what you’re saying about showing work. No decisions are being made about implementing the proposed requirements. I’m thinking long-range with this, gathering input only for now.
I feel like I can understand the desire to set such requirements but I am not in support of them. I believe in allowing all levels of engagement for people who want to join PNS. The one that feels the strangest to me is the proposed requirement to meet a board member.
I would like to suggest that new members get paired with existing members for the first 6 months or year of their membership. The existing member could encourage all of the activities proposed in these 4 requirements, and offer support where needed. I would suggest beginning with a list of members who have filled out their profiles and asking them to “sponsor” or “coach” new members. I would be happy to write this up as a proposal if people are interested.
Glad for your feedback.
Yes, let’s draft a proposal for linking new Members to existing Members.
A “buddy system” is an idea the Board has talked about for years now and again.
Please, come to the next Board meeting(s) if you can. I will email you directly about it soon.
Mostly this seems reasonable. I personally don’t do facebook because of their heavy use of cross-tracking across the internet which can include all of your use, searches and purchases and, despite what they claim, capability to personally identify you (no, not conspiracy theory rambling, I used to teach college-level social media marketing). Please do not include member requirements that force them to use this application!
You’re right. FB makes a lot of money by gathering and selling our info.
We can take that part out of the proposal, but will hope to find other networking “bulletin board” software that works for our Members.
Thanks for pushing us to define what it means to be part of this special group, Andy! My first reaction was “Requirements?*&’!!?? WTF?” as part of what made PNWS so attractive to me initially was the lack of definitions and rules, combined with the generous hearts and enthusiasm of members.
On further reflection, I’m in favor of the website profile requirement and am wondering if there’s a way to automatically create a profile based on a member’s application details. We would need to be clear about what information is being shared with whom (i.e., email address will be shared with members; name and blah blah blah will be shared publicly), but this seems like a way to kick-start a new member’s participation. (And if “automatically” means a website admin does it manually, I can be up for that task.)
We would need to have a process for deactivating profiles as well, for lapsed members, and communication around that during membership renewal.
As far as submitting art in one of our shows, I would suggest that be modified to “participate” in one of our shows. I like the idea in general but I think we can be more flexible and encourage volunteering first, along with submitting pieces. This, in my opinion should be highly encouraged but not required.
One thing to think about with requirements is what we would do if the requirements are not met. What is the process for kindly uninviting people who are inactive but pay their dues?
That’s more than enough from me! Thanks again for prompting dialogue.
~ Leslie