Dear PNWS members,
Approaching the winter solstice is a time for introspection and thoughtful planning for the beginning of a new year and a return of the cycle of light. Seeds planted in the imagination may be lying dormant but are very much alive with possibility and promise. Our organization has enjoyed a steady growth of new members this past year from near and far and it is very encouraging to see new faces at members meetings, looking to participate and share their unique skillsets.
We have had a number of events this past year that, (from our viewpoint) were reflections of the kind of community building that we share as a common goal. The PNWS members sculpture exhibition in Newport was much more than an opportunity to get our works out there, it was an outreach of support to the coastal art community. Our participation in Art in the Pearl, as always, gave our local community a chance to see the faces of PNWS and a bit of a look behind the veil of what makes us do what we do. Two fun events that have us planning for more of the same, were the celebration of International Sculpture Day and a member Raku maskmaking workshop.
Looking forward, we have a unique opportunity to participate in the Home and Garden show, February 22-25 at the Expo Center. Contact Bob Deasy for details.
In April, The Cave Gallery will be host to an exclusive show of PNWS artworks. As April is the month to celebrate Internationsl Sculpture Day, we are planning to have another wearable sculpture event coinciding with artists talks at The Cave. A parade through Vancouver’s downtown to our new waterfront would certainly bring a bit of Portland’s “wierd” to the north side of the Columbia. Later in the year, we have invites to be part of the Troutdale Arts Festival, Vancouver Arts and Music Festival, Art in the Pearl and a few more events in the works.
It is an exciting time to be involved in community building through the arts. We applaud your willingness to participate, to show up to events and to take advantage of opportunities to complete the cycle of creativity by getting your works out to the public. A peaceful, loving seasonal greeting to you all.
Russell Ford V.P. – PNWS
And it looks like next year is going to be even better!